8 Perfect Murders By Peter Swanson
Years ago, bookseller and mystery aficionado
Malcolm Kershaw compiled a list of the genre’s
most unsolvable murders, those that are almost
impossible to crack—which he titled “Eight Perfect
Murders.” But no one is more surprised than Mal,
now the owner of the Old Devils Bookstore in
Boston, when an FBI agent comes knocking on his door one
snowy day in February. She’s looking for information about
a series of unsolved murders that look eerily similar to the
killings on Mal’s old list. And the FBI agent isn’t the only one
interested in this bookseller who spends almost every night
at home reading. The killer is out there, watching his every
move—a diabolical threat who knows way too much about
Mal’s personal history, especially the secrets he’s never told
anyone, even his recently deceased wife
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